PFSCM is pleased to announce the release of SCMS’s 10-year report: “10 Years of Supporting PEPFAR through Stronger Public Health Supply Chains: A report on SCMS Contributions to PEPFAR results.” You can find the report in French here.
For the last 10 years, on behalf of the USG, SCMS has successfully operated the largest public heath supply chain in the world. Today, we procure more than 70% of all ARVs directly funded by PEPFAR.
The report highlights the impact SCMS has made. Around the world, millions of lives have been saved. Patients know their status and are getting the treatment they need. Mothers can care for children born without the virus; parents can get out of their sick beds, go to work, and provide for their families. This legacy of change goes even farther, beyond the patients struggling with HIV/AIDS. The positive impact we’ve made on overall public health systems is benefitting national health services and the patients they serve. The foundation we leave behind will enable countries to continue to move forward in reaching their health goals.
As these goals are met, the global community will move closer to meeting our collective mission: achieving an AIDS-free generation. Investments in preventing and treating HIV/AIDS must continue to include support for national supply chains. The end of the AIDS epidemic will occur country by country.
Each nation must maintain a strong, robust supply chain to secure hard-fought gains in the global battle against HIV/AIDS. At SCMS, we know that we are just one actor on a worldwide stage. So many people and nations have contributed to the success of these efforts. We are grateful to our many country counterparts, partners, implementers on the ground, and staff who have dedicated themselves to helping those in need. We’ve come a long way.
Rich Owens, Jr.
Project Director, SCMS