Source: procurement
Sustainable sourcing of affordable, quality health products that save livesWe source and procure affordable, quality health products for donors, governments, NGOs, humanitarian agencies, and health- and donation programs. We navigate the market on behalf of clients providing access to the best quality health products from a wide network of quality-assured local and international suppliers.
Our sourcing activities include:
Sustainable sourcing
We buy from suppliers who care for people and the environment, and uphold best practices that drive supply chain resilience and security.
Adding value
We manage value-added services such as reagent rental agreements, equipment lease, warranties, maintenance plans, and product training.
Reducing prices
We drive down prices through pooled procurement, framework agreements, competitive biddings, spot buys, and joint tenders.
Managing suppliers
We track supplier performance to ensure optimal service delivery, and engage suppliers frequently to maintain relationships.
Navigating the procurement of automated molecular diagnostics for HIV VL&EID:
PFSCM has developed a resource document that explains some of the nuances in navigating the procurement of automated molecular diagnostics for HIV Viral load (VL) and early infant diagnosis (EID).
The document provides an overview of:
- Automated molecular diagnostics, and how it is used.
- The range of procurement modes for HIV VL and EID tests.
- The challenges and opportunities of various procurement modes from the principal recipient’s perspective.
- Key considerations for selecting a mode of procurement.
We only procure products that are:
- Prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO),
- approved by stringent regulatory authorities (SRAs),
- or the International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (IMDRF); and meet national regulatory requirements.
We only procure from suppliers who:
- Passed PFSCM’s due diligence process.
- Can produce appropriate quality certifications or accreditations.
- Are onboarded in our Supplier Relationship Management system.
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