Health Products

Quality assured health products from over 250 reputable international suppliers

We procure almost any health product, but specialize in prevention, diagnostic and treatment products for the following health areas:

  • Rapid Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19, HIV, malaria and tuberculosis
  • Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnostics
  • Other Diagnostics for COVID-19, HIV, TB and Malaria
  • Laboratory and Medical Supplies, and Medical Equipment and Devices



Emergency Preparedness and Rapid Reponse

Understanding forces that affect the supply and demand for health products in emergency situations.

RAPID RESPONSE IN OUR DNA: PFSCM was established to help fight one of the world’s most serious and ongoing epidemics, HIV. Now, 15 years later, we are responding to yet another pandemic, COVID-19. This time around, equipped with deep experience and better processes and systems.

MARKET DYNAMICS: We continuously map products available for HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis, COVID-19, Mpox (Monkeypox formally), and Hepatitis A to E testing and sequencing, and do market research to understand raw material supply, and manufacturers’ production capacities and locations. We engage with suppliers often to grasp their priorities in managing supply and demand and investigate factors that influence product pricing. We also researched the suitability of new health products for specific markets.

PARTNERSHIPS: Experience and the right partners go a long way in an emergency response. We have vast experience in dealing with abrupt changes and crises often encountered in health supply chains. From disasters to theft and sudden legislation changes, we have dealt with many different scenarios. COVID-19 is certainly one of the biggest disruptions we had to deal with, but it was also an opportunity to showcase our agility.

PFSCM Product Catalog

This first version of PFSCM’s Product Catalog focuses on diagnostics, reagents, consumables, equipment, medical devices and personal protective equipment, and only includes a selection of health products that we supply.

Our full range of products can be found in our online e-Catalog.

PFSCM e-Catalog

PFSCM’s e-Catalog houses all the health products we procure. Buyers can browse the products and their various options and pack sizes. Wishlists can also be created for future purchases. The e-Catalog will in future be used as an ordering platform.

health products - PFSCM health product catalog


In Vitro Diagnostics, medical devices and vector control
  • Diagnostic test kits
  • Analyzers and equipment
  • Auxiliary equipment
  • Consumables and instruments
  • Reagents and contraceptives
  • Indoor Residual Spray
  • Long Lasting Insecticide Nets


  • Antivirals for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
  • Antimalarials such as artemisinin-based combination therapy
  • Antituberculosis products
  • Reproductive heath medicines such as contraceptives and uterotonics
  • Essential medicines

Please send an email to or if you are interested in purchasing health products through PFSCM.

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