by Sinette Goosen | Oct 21, 2020
The Partnership for Supply Chain Management, like many other supply chain organizations, felt the effects of COVID-19 restrictions in the form of production delays, transportation shortages, price inflations, and unexpected market behavior. Our ongoing operations were...
by Sinette Goosen | Sep 16, 2020
Quick read: Uganda transit warehouse Quick read: Tanzania importation process mapping Quick read: Malawi shared charters Public health supply chains in developing countries are complex and vary greatly in structure. This complexity can lead to inefficiency, diffuse...
by Sinette Goosen | Aug 27, 2020
The Partnership for Supply Chain Management (PFSCM) was established to help fight one of the world’s most serious and ongoing epidemics, HIV. When PFSCM set up shop in 2005, it was to develop, implement and manage one of the world’s largest health supply chains...
by Sinette Goosen | Apr 24, 2020
Each year, PFSCM reflects on the role of supply chains in the fight to end malaria, and takes stock of our malaria activities during the last year. In 2019, we procured more than $75.8 million worth of malaria commodities including pharmaceuticals such as...
by Sinette Goosen | Apr 23, 2020
As the public health emergency develops, supply shortages or disruptions are expected to occur due to rapid changes in demand for specific health commodities, temporary lockdowns of manufacturing sites in areas affected by COVID-19 or airline restrictions impacting...