by djamieson | Jul 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
UNAIDS’ ‘‘90-90-90’’ strategy calls for 90% of people with HIV to be diagnosed, 90% of those diagnosed to be on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and 90% of those on ART to achieve sustained virologic suppression. Additionally, growing numbers of countries are...
by rowens | May 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
PFSCM is pleased to announce the release of SCMS’s 10-year report: “10 Years of Supporting PEPFAR through Stronger Public Health Supply Chains: A report on SCMS Contributions to PEPFAR results.” You can find the report in French here. For the last 10...
by adinardo | Mar 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
How can people living with HIV/AIDS continue to get the life-saving medical supplies they need in a country undergoing political unrest? Thanks to the preparedness of the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) and its partners in Burundi, operating under such unstable...
by djamieson | Apr 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
“Tenofivir and zidovudine-based products, including fixed-dose combinations, are in good supply, although there are some challenges with the zidovudine active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) market out of China. Demand for stavudine-based products is dropping fast and...
by bimans | Apr 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
On the night of December 17, 2014, a short circuit fire engulfed the pharmacy of the regional hospital in Divo, one of the hospitals that provide medical services to the more than 1 million inhabitants in the Loh-Djiboua region in Côte d’Ivoire. Despite the...
by bimans | Mar 23, 2015 | Uncategorized
“USAID’s Supply Chain Management System project is a crucial piece of the American Government’s efforts to serve patients living with HIV/AIDS in Côte d’Ivoire through the PEPFAR initiative,” said His Excellency Terence McCulley, the U.S. Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire...