2020 Year in Review: Looking back, preparing for what’s next
Overall, 2020 was a demanding, but productive year for The Partnership for Supply Chain Management (PFSCM). It is fair to say the COVID-19 pandemic affected us all. Overnight we had to adapt our working environment and processes to ensure the safety of our staff, as...
PFSCM’s Impact in 2020
PFSCM has used the COVID-19 challenges this year to strengthen our operations, increase our digital engagement with our partners, and expand our product portfolio to include COVID-19 diagnostic products. Taking stock of 2020, we are grateful that we have been able to...
World AIDS Day 2020: Developments and updates from PFSCM direct clients: CONAVIHSIDA, Gilead DREAMS, and Janssen New Horizons Collaborative
Apart from PFSCM’s work as an official procurement services agent for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, we also serve a wide range of other clients including: CONAVIHSIDA from the Dominican Republic Janssen – New Horizons Collaborative GILEAD –...
World AIDS Day 2020: Resilient, responsible supply chains in the fight to end HIV/AIDS
Every year on World AIDS Day, PFSCM reflects on our HIV supply chain work, and reviews key market developments that affected procurement and logistics. Over the last year*, we procured more than $152 million worth of HIV health and medical products, and delivered...
Download, read and share PFSCM’s new Company Profile
PFSCM is happy to release our latest Company Profile. Download our Company Profile here to learn how we transform the lives of people in the developing world by inspiring and implementing supply chain innovations to ensure that essential health products are available...
Technology, partnerships and governance that enable agility and coordination for resilient global health supply chains
Join PFSCM, JSI and inSupply at the Global Health Supply Chain Summit 2020
Strong supply chains are critical for saving and improving the lives of children, families, and communities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these supply chains must continue to ensure that frontline health workers have the supplies and medicines they need to manage the...
10 Facts about Quality at PFSCM
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Sourcing closer to demand: PFSCM continues to expand in-country local supplier base adapting to new COVID-19 audit environment
The Partnership for Supply Chain Management (PFSCM) is currently undertaking another round of supplier prequalification audits and re-audits of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical health product distributors and wholesalers in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of...
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