Our Global Community

Building stronger health systems through global partnerships

PFSCM is proud to be part of a global community of organizations committed to improving health outcomes worldwide. Through partnerships with leading affiliates across sectors, we work together to enhance access to quality health products, tackle critical health challenges, and strengthen healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). By collaborating with experts in areas like reproductive health, HIV care, climate health, and logistics, PFSCM helps advance global health and promote sustainable solutions for vulnerable populations. Explore how our affiliations are making a lasting impact on global health.



Learn more about JSI

JSI is a global nonprofit dedicated to improving lives through better health and education outcomes for individuals and communities.

PFSCM is an affiliate of JSI, a global nonprofit dedicated to improving lives through better health and education outcomes for individuals and communities. Through this partnership, we work together to strengthen health systems and improve access to essential services.



Learn more about IDC

The goal of the IDC is to enable better coordinated, uninterrupted provision of and increased access to timely, high-quality diagnostics for diseases of public health importance in LMICs, including HIV, TB, HPV, hepatitis, emerging pathogens, and other essential diagnostic tests to enable improved clinical care and public health surveillance.

PFSCM is a member of the Integrated Diagnostics Consortium (IDC), which focuses on improving access to high-quality diagnostics for critical diseases in LMICs. This partnership supports enhanced clinical care and public health surveillance globally.



Learn more about IAPHL

The IAPHL has a critical but often undervalued role in providing life-saving health services. Especially in developing countries, supply chain management is often not recognized as a profession that requires specialized training. The International Association of Public Health Logisticians was established in 2007 to promote the professionalization of the field of public health logistics through education and information sharing. The association supports logisticians worldwide by providing a forum for members to network, exchange ideas, and improve skills. Members come from over 150 countries, a variety of professional backgrounds, and represent all levels of the supply chain.

PFSCM is a member of the International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL). This partnership supports logisticians worldwide by providing a platform for networking, skill-building, and improving supply chain practices.



Learn more about QUAMED

QUAMED is a global membership organization that brings together international NGOs, pharmaceutical procurement centers, and engaged individuals focused on assuring the quality of medicines delivered in low- and middle-income countries

PFSCM is a member of Quality Medicines for All (QUAMED), a global membership organization dedicated to ensuring the quality of medicines delivered in low- and middle-income countries. Through this partnership, we work together with international NGOs and pharmaceutical procurement centers to strengthen the quality assurance of essential medicines.

UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact

Learn more about Global Compact

The UN Global Compact is a non-binding United Nations pact to get businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.

PFSCM is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), committing to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies across our operations. This partnership supports our efforts to align with global standards for sustainability and corporate responsibility.


RBM Partnership

Learn more about RBM

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is the largest global platform for coordinated action towards a world free from malaria. It includes over 500 partners, from community health workers to international organizations.

PFSCM is a partner of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, the largest global platform for coordinated action towards a malaria-free world. Through this partnership, we work alongside over 500 partners to strengthen efforts in malaria prevention and control.



Learn more about RHSC

The RHSC is a global partnership of public, private, and non-governmental organizations dedicated to ensuring access to affordable, high-quality reproductive health supplies for all people in low- and middle-income countries, advancing reproductive health and well-being.

PFSCM is a member of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC), a global partnership dedicated to ensuring access to affordable, high-quality reproductive health supplies in low- and middle-income countries. Together, we work to advance reproductive health and well-being worldwide.


Learn more about AMDS

Launched in December 2003, the AMDS is a network created to expand access to quality, effective treatments for HIV by improving the supply of antiretrovirals (ARVs) and diagnostics to developing countries. In 2014, tracking procurement of hepatitis commodities was added to the portfolio, and recently in 2020 AMDS started also working on STI medicines and diagnostic.

Being part of Access to Medicines and Diagnostics Services network (AMDS) enables PFSCM to support the global effort to improve access to essential medicines and diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries. This partnership helps expand the availability of life-saving treatments and diagnostics, ensuring more effective healthcare delivery and stronger health systems.



Learn more about GLEC

GLEC is a program where companies and NGOs work together to drive consistent, transparent calculation and reporting of logistics emissions. The GLEC Framework helps multinationals and suppliers calculate and report logistics emissions efficiently, supporting the reduction of GHG emissions to meet the Paris Climate Agreement.

As a member of Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC), PFSCM adopts transparent logistics emissions reporting, supporting efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to global climate goals. This partnership strengthens our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.



Learn more about ATACH

ATACH works to realize the COP26 ambition of building climate-resilient health systems, using the collective power of WHO Member States and other stakeholders to integrate climate change and health into national, regional, and global plans.
As a member of Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH), PFSCM contributes to building climate-resilient health systems and helps integrate climate change and health into global, regional, and national plans. This collaboration supports our efforts to strengthen healthcare systems in the face of climate challenges.


Learn more about AMRASI

AMRASI is a coalition of multisectoral partners working to address the challenges of AMR in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

As a member of Antimicrobial Resistance Access and Stewardship Initiative (AMRASI), PFSCM collaborates with partners to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in LMICs. This partnership supports our mission to strengthen health systems and improve access to effective treatments.



Learn more about SECURE

Secure is a collaborative initiative by GARDP and WHO. SECURE seeks to expand access to a portfolio of essential antibiotics, including generic antibiotics that are in short supply or not widely available, as well as newly approved “reserve” antibiotics for drug-resistant bacterial infections.
PFSCM is proud to be part of SECURE, a collaborative initiative by GARDP and WHO, aimed at expanding access to essential antibiotics. By addressing the shortage of critical generic antibiotics and newly approved “reserve” antibiotics for drug-resistant infections, SECURE plays a vital role in combating global health threats.

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